Join Ric Cavieres, OZ’s President, on June 15 at 6 PM EST to hear about our latest mobile solution, Salus (patent pending). Salus is helping to bring back mass-gathering entertainment, sports, and more while protecting guests and employees from the COVID-19 virus.
This free, Ted Talk-style online event is being hosted by Palm Beach Tech in their monthly Palm Beach Tech Talks and happy hour. Join us online to hear from Ric about this ground-breaking solution, “network, learn and engage with local technology & entrepreneurial leaders that have experiences to share.”
The agenda for this free happy hour is as follows:
5 Minutes | Introductions
5 Minutes | Sponsor
20 Minute TED Style Talk
15 Minutes | Q&A
Join Ric in this online event hosted by Palm Beach Tech today!
#covid19 #coronavirus #mobilesolution #entertainmentindustry #sportsindustry #virtualhappyhour